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Quick Trip Quilt - Free pattern for a limited time

Quick Trip Quilt - Free pattern for a limited time

I'm totally chuffed at the response regarding my Quick Trip Quilt and its an absolute delight to see everyone start working on their projects.

For a limited time back in 2018 I shared this modern take on the traditional trip around the world quilt design as a free pattern.  The free pattern offer has long passed, but the good news is that the Quick Trip Quilt pattern is now available for purchase as an immediate download .  If you'd prefer a printed copy, we have those too.  Find out more here.

 In the beginning

I first wrote the instructions for Quick Trip way back in 1997.  I've misplaced the 3.5" floppy disc but luckily still have a printout.  

originalquick trip pattern

Man that feels like a lifetime ago!   I'd like to tell you that I started quilting in the cradle, but at the time I was working as an RN who'd hightailed it back to the country after doing midwifery in Sydney.

I designed the project specifically to teach as an introductory patchwork class  delivered through the NSW Western College of Adult Education.  

Here's my very first Quick Trip  Quilt. You've probably noticed that I used more fabrics in this one.   I tweaked the design and scaled back the number of rounds to make it a more achievable one day workshop for beginners.

Check out those country colours!

wendywild quick trip quilt 1996

I think I must have made this quilt in 1994 or 95.   

Mea culpa - I am that quilter who hasn't labelled all her quilts.  You'll be glad to hear that I make more of an effort at documenting my quilts these days.

The fabrics are all flannels and despite some obvious wear and tear, it remains a favourite. In actual fact this old girl has been on my bed all winter.

Here's a closer look and you can see my rudimentary quilting and that softly worn fabric. Its actually holding up pretty well considering its been in constant use on either the bed or sofa for over 20 years.

The 2018 Makeover

When Cotton + Steel Firelight arrived on the shop shelves back in May I just knew I had to make something with these painterly rose prints by Sarah Watts.


I'd been thinking about making a new version of this quilt for a while.  The chunky size of those patchwork squares made Quick Trip the obvious choice as the design really lets you showcase those tricky-to-use large scale prints.  

When reworking the quilt I removed the borders for a fresh modern look.

Quick Trip is a great project beginners project.

The fabric requirements are specifically calculated to be forgiving and allow some wriggle room to straighten up those cuts if needed. It is also a great quilt for those times you need a finish in a jiffy. With a bit of nifty piecing the quilt top just flies together.

I like to use up my fabric scraps and make a pieced back.  Here is the back of my old flannel version. In the spirit of making do you will probably also notice that the pattern is incorrect as I eeked out those last few squares.

If you look carefully you might even be able to make out some navy dots.  I'd orginally tied this quilt with navy wool, but decided to quilt it for a sturdier finish seeing as the quilt was in constant use.  

Here's a few of  your projects

Its been a thrill seeing Quick Trip projects start to pop up on social media and I thought I would include a bit of a round up here.

@homemadewithemilyjane is making this great version in Cloud 9 fabrics.  I love that pop of yellow and the distinct  contrast in print and colour which highlight the geometry of the design. 

We are also on the same page when it comes to pieced backs.  I really like her simple approach and off centre layout.  


The next one is by @jules_quilts.  This super soft and pretty version really highlights the difference fabric selection makes,  By using these vintage florals of similar scale and value Jules has achieved this restful look where the pieced design is much more subtle.  The individual fabrics almost melt together.  Dreamy!

@kimberlowe has sought out the same fabrics from the Firelight collection that I used for the pattern and is busily working on a raffle quilt for her local animal shelter.  It will be an awesome prize and such a worthy cause.


Need fabric?

I have a limited number of Quick Trip Quilt Kits using these Firelight Fabric rose prints still available.   Some fabrics may need to be substituted, but I will work with you to find a combo you love.  You can buy a kit here.

I can also help you choose fabrics from across out entire range, like this fabric pull from Rifle Paper Co's latest English Garden collection.

This kit is heading off to someone in Sydney and I think that mint stripe will be fabulous for binding, don't you?

Last up - if you still need to grab  a copy of the pattern, all you need to do is sign up for The Next Stitch newsletter.  Here's the link

Keep the project photos coming everyone and make sure you use #quicktripquilt and #mynextstitch   I don't want to miss a thing!



Previous article Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew-along 2018 prize pool


Lynette Peucker - November 19, 2022

I am wanting to make ‘a trip around the world ‘ for our grandson. We lost his Mum when he was 5 yrs. Almost 5 yrs ago. Thank you if possible.
Thank you so much

Irene Bancroft - March 3, 2022

I would like to receive a copy of this pattern for a queen sized quilt.

Teri - November 16, 2021

I would like a copy of the pattern, please. I have misplaced mine. Thank you!

Jude McCauley - October 18, 2021

From one RN to another will you kindly send me the pattern for “Trip Around the World” as I would like to make another one for my young granddaughter before I get to old.

Annette Thompson - January 5, 2021

I would like instructions to make a queen size quick trip quilt. Thank you.

Pat V - January 5, 2021

Hi, I also would like the pattern for the quick trip around the world quilt. I’m so glad I found you. Tyvm

Francine Manspeaker - August 22, 2020

Please share your quick trip pattern. Looks like great fun to do. Thank you

Linda M - August 1, 2020

Please send me the pattern for this Quick Trip Quilt
Thank you

Kristine Turney - June 25, 2020

I would love a copy of the trip around the world pattern please!

Sylvia Walters - June 22, 2020

Yes, I want to get the pattern for this. I made quilts like this years ago and now need a refresher!

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